Board of Education Goals


Posted on 11/17/2017

Goal Area 1 – Student Achievement/Curriculum

The Board of Education shall support the curriculum at each grade level within the District ensuring each grade is aligned to the Illinois standards.  Subjects of focus shall be Math, English/Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, and Health.  The Board shall assign the Administration the task to assess the district’s overall curriculum and give a status report and proposed plan moving forward.  The Board shall then determine how it will support the chosen direction.

Goal Area 2 – Programs and Services

The Board of Education shall support professional development opportunities for the staff targeted at those individuals developing skills and resources that help advance the district in its educational offerings and improve student learning.  Utilization of this shall be reported to the Board every semester including some detail on how the particular learning was shared amongst the staff organization.

Goal Area 3 – District/Community Relations

The Board of Education shall support and promote the accomplishments and informational news of the school district by holding an annual meeting sometime between now and the end of the first semester of the 2018-19 school year.  This event shall be used to inform and engage our community furthering their understanding of district and community achievements.

Goal Area 4 – Facilities

The Board of Education shall support the development and maintenance of our educational facilities through the development of both a short-term plan (5 yrs) and a long-term plan (20 yrs).  These plans will incorporate end-of-life projections of key facilities.  Development and prioritization of these plans shall begin and be driven through the Buildings and Grounds Committee. 

Goal Area 5 – Finance

The Board of Education shall be fiscally responsible in how we spend the tax payers’ money to support and provide a top quality education for our kids.  We will continue our yearly budget planning and incorporate a “what if” planning strategy into these fiscal plans.  This overall fiscal responsibility shall be measured during our annual audit which measures the days of cash-on-hand as we strive to maintain our current level or slightly increase that while still providing a high quality education for our children.

Goal Area 6 – Technology

The Board of Education shall support the definition, development, and execution of a technology plan for the district as determined by the Administration and Technology Committee.  This plan shall be focused on how the district evolves with changing technology to support the various grade levels of education.  The Board shall then determine how it will support the chosen plan.